Search results for: khcc
College Directions Program
The KHCC College Directions Program (CDP) provides college and career preparation, post-secondary pl
KHCC's Restorative Justice Fellowship
Click Here to Apply!
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Classes 2024-2025
Our Adult English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program enables participants to improve the
SONYC KHCC After School Program
Register Here!
KHCC Summer Day Camp 2024
KHCC Summer Camp will offer fun, safe and enriching activities for kids grades K-8th
KHCConnect: Resource Network for Families
Our community resource team connects families with the services they need at KHCC.
CHANCES After School Program 23-24
CHANCES After School Program 23-24 at PS 207
Early Learn NY
High quality pre-school programs for 3 and 4 year olds.
After School Program 23-24
KHCC's After School Program serves children from K through fifth grade. It provides fun and engaging ways to both relax and learn after a long day at school, through sports, music, arts and gardening.
Parenting Journey and Parenting Journey in America 23-24
Join our 12-week session sharing tips on effective parenting.
SONYC Middle School Program @ ISLA 23-24
KHCC's SONYC Middle School programs engage youth at our main site, and at the International School for Liberal Arts (ISLA) on the nearby Walton Campus. We engage over 160 students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade from our community annually.
ISLA Teen Advantage 23-24
KHCC's Teen Advantage program engages its youth by taking leadership, giving them access to college readiness tools, and as well as, giving them a free spaces to express themselves.
Bronx Theatre After School Programs 23-24
KHCC's Teen Center operates satellite versions of its center based youth development and college access offerings at Bronx Theatre High School via the COMPASS High and COMPASS Explore program grants.
Teen Program 23-24
Our philosophy is to positively impact participants lives by partnering with families, providing empowerment through decision making, building positive relationships, and encouraging youth to take initiative.
SONYC Center Based Tween Program 23-24
KHCC's SONYC Middle School programs engage youth at our main site, and at the International School for Liberal Arts (ISLA) on the nearby Walton Campus. We engage over 160 students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade from our community annually. Our SONYC programs also provide first come/first serve summer camp slots (funding permitting).
College Directions (CDP) 23-24
Our College Directions program prepares youth through individual college counseling, coaching, and guidance on their transition to college through to their freshman year and beyond.
SONYC Center Based Tween Program
KHCC's SONYC Middle School programs engage youth at our main site, and at the International School for Liberal Arts (ISLA) on the nearby Walton Campus. We engage over 160 students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade from our community annually. Our SONYC programs also provide first come/first serve summer camp slots (funding permitting).
Food Pantry
KHCC's Food Pantry meets the needs of families by providing fresh and non-perishable food items.
Crisis Hotline
Our staff is available to assist victims of sexual violence seeking help and support. KHCC is a certified Rape Crisis Program approved by the Department of Health.
KHCConnect: Resource Network for Families
Our community resource team connects families with the services they need at KHCC.
Changing Futures
The Changing Futures child sexual abuse, domestic violence, and Campus Sexual Assault program works with 300 Bronx children and families annually.
ASCA Support Group
Support Group for Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
CDP Recognition Dinner BBQ
The College Directions Program here at KHCC are hosting the annual CDP Recognition Dinner BBQ to celebrate graduating high school seniors!
PRESS RELEASE - Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Neighborhood Festival
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Neighborhood Festival BRONX, NY - April 10th, 2017
Raise the Roof
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center provides funds to support over 4,500 Bronx youth and their fami
Butterfly Cafe Grand Opening
Fundraiser to Support KHCC Summer Camp/After School
After School Registration NOW Open
Same program, new location - P.S. 207!
KHCC Park Grand Opening
Come One, Come All To Our Brand New Park!
Queering the Lines - LGBTQ Group
We're reaching out to everyone in the LGBTQ community!
Great Aussie BBQ in New York
The University of Adelaide North East USA Alumni Network would like to invite you, your friends and family to the Great Aussie BBQ in New York, to celebrate the start of Fall.
Safe Dates Group
The Changing Futures Program is launching its Safe Dates group, beginning September 25th!
KHCC Van Campaign
Join our KHCC Van Campaign TODAY and help us raise funds to support our participants!
KHCC in Focusing on Wellness
Starting September 23rd, Victor Chaves will lead a yoga class Saturdays from 10-11am at KHCC.
The 22nd Annual Winter Holiday Festival
KHCC will host the 22nd Annual Winter Holiday Festival on Tuesday December 19 from 5pm to 7pm.
Weekly Food Pantry
Please stop by and register for the Food Pantry to receive fresh produce. The Food Pantry will run every Wednesday from 5 pm - 7 pm.
KHCC Street Tree Care with NYC Parks
Members of the Kingsbridge Heights community will learn how to care for local street trees.
Universal Pre-K Open House
KHCC's Early Childhood Services department will meet with parents interested in our UPK program
ASP's Black History Month Celebration
Close out Black History Month by joining us for a celebration of African-American contributions to American history.
Open House for Summer Day Camp 2018
Attend to find out how you can enroll your child in our Summer Day camp
Pride Beauty Gallery
Embrace your voice at this event during Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Earth Day: Week of the Young Child
Join our Early Childhood Services Department as they celebrate Earth Day.
Mother's Day Celebration with Latino Outdoors
Join KHCC and Latino Outdoors for a Mother's Day volunteer event in our park.
After School Robotics
During this 8-week session, students learn to design, engineer and control robots.
Free Homeownership Workshop
On Wednesday, May 30, there will be a home ownership workshop hosted by Santander. A representative
KHCC Skills Fair
Looking for job training opportunities?Join us on Tuesday, June 26 for our first skills fair! The ev
Early Head Start Parent Orientation
Families are invited to attend Early Headstart's Parent Orientation on Wednesday, August 22.
Get On Board with KHCC
Join us for an afternoon of sailing on the Bronx River
2018 Brides' March
March with us! On September 26, 2018, a team from KHCC will join advocacy groups around NYC fo
Volunteer Day
Join us November 20 for an evening of fun and service!
Big Gay Toy Drive and Ugly Holiday Sweater Party
All toys collected from the event go to families at KHCC
KHCC's Staff Holiday Party
Join the KHCCrew for a special afternoon celebrating the holiday season and the end of 2018!
Winter Solstice Holiday Festival
KHCC will host the 23rd Annual Winter Holiday Festival on Tuesday December 19 from 5pm to 7pm.
Join KHCC at the Women's March
Staff, participants and community members are invited to join KHCC for a trip to Washington, D.C. for the Women's March
KHCC Cup Tournament
KHCC Cup Tournament is back on February 1 from 5pm -7pm.
Film Screening: Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Join us for a free screening of critically-acclaimed documentary, "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"
S.L.E.E.P. Parent Workshop
Parents and guardians of a three-year-old child in our Head Start program are invited to attend the S.L.E.E.P. Project workshop on February 22
Winter Break Respite Full-Day Camp
Special Needs program will be in a full day of camp during the week of Winter Break.
Mid-Winter Vacation Camp
Students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade are invited to participate in our 4-day camp held February 19-22, 2019.
Parenting Journey Alumni
Beginning Saturday, December 8, we will have a new group for Parenting Journey Alumni! Parents
Spring Fling Fashion Show
Join the Teen Center for the Spring Fling Fashion Show
Teen Center Karaoke Night
Come out Friday, April 12 and sing your favorite song with teens and staff at KHCC!
Spring Break Vacation Camp
Students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade are invited to participate in our 5-day Spring Camp
KHCC's 45th Anniversary Luncheon
In 2019, KHCC will be celebrating 45 Years of Service to the Bronx. Join us for a special celebration!
Annual Neighborhood Festival
Join us for a day of fun and games, music, food, and showcasing the culture of KHCC, and a true community celebration!
Youth Department End-of-Year Celebration
Participants in youth department programming are invited to attend the celebration BBQ and showcase
Respite Program's Year End Celebration
Participants and families are invited to celebrate the end of the 2018/2019 school year.
Financial Literacy Workshop
Learn helpful tips and tools to save money and improve your financial future!
DMC's Comic Book Workshop
Join Darryl "DMC" McDaniels for a workshop about the ins and outs of comic book creation.
Changing Futures Program's Annual Summer BBQ
Come out and enjoy this annual event for staff and families!
¿Quieres Aprender Ingles? - Clases de día (Verano)
Ahora incribiendo para clase de ingles¿Quieres Aprender Ingles? ¡Registre para un Curso
Queer Volunteer Potluck
Join us for a day of connection, volunteering and eating at KHCC.
Welcome Back Lock-In
Come out to the first tween and teen event of the new academic year.
Michelle's Message of Hope: Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Wear purple and attend this event in support of survivors of domestic violence.
Family Volunteer Day
Come and join the KHCC community on Saturday, October 19, 2019!
KHCC Annual Harvest Festival and Haunted House
Our annual Harvest Festival will be on October 24 from 4-6pm.
KHCC Annual Benefit
Join us for our 2019 Home Away From Home Benefit on Thursday, November 14, 2019!
Citizenship Classes at KHCC
Classes begin 9/28 and run through 11/16, from 10:30-2:30 pm every Saturday.
Public Charge Workshops
KHCC Families are invited to two FREE public charge workshops on November 20!
Youth Department's Thanksgiving Fest
Youth department participants and families are invited to celebrate with gratitude at a Thanksgiving Fest on November 24.
Parenting Journey - Spanish
Group meetings will begin on September 21, 2019
The Last Stop Express - Toy Drive
Join local restaurant Last Stop for a toy drive benefiting our families.
Annual Literacy Day
Join our Early Childhood program and families for a special celebration of books on December 10!
Winter Solstice 2019
Join us on December 17th to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Food, games, fun and more!
Student Connections Dinner
KHCC alumni share their college experiences
Women's March on NYC
Join KHCC on its annual trip downtown for the Women's March in NYC.
Tenants Rights Workshop
Learn tips and tools for protecting your rights as a tenant in NYC
After School Program's Spirit Week
Participants will celebrate with a week of great events.
Flu Vaccination Workshop
Early Childhood Services will host a flu vaccination workshop on February 5 at 8:15am. All are welcome.
Citizenship Classes at KHCC
Preparations for the exam and interview/Preparaciones para el examen y la entrevista de ciudadania
Specialized High Schools Admission Information Session
Learning more about specialized high schools before applying
Ellie's Runaway Class
Come join us for a professional and fun runaway training!
Karaoke Night!
YLC Presents...
SAT Prep for High School Juniors
Register for our SAT Prep Classes for Bronx High School Juniors!
Career Night
Come listen to professionals talk about their careers!
Parenting Journey - English
Group sessions begin February 4, 2020
¿Quieres Aprender Ingles? - Clases de día
¡Registre para un Curso de Ingles para Adultos del Niveles Básicos a Kingsbridge Heights Community Center!
¿Quieres Aprender Ingles? - Clases de Noche
¡Registre para un Curso de Ingles para Adultos del Niveles Básicos a Kingsbridge Heights Community Center!
Parent Journey - Spanish
Seeking support? Interested in connecting with other parents?
ESOL Orientation
ESOL Orientation is Friday, August 21st, from 10:00-2:00 pm
KHCC's Virtual Garden Tour
Join KHCC for a special virtual tour of the garden and park on Tuesday, September 15 at 5:30pm.
Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Join the Changing Futures staff for a special VIRTUAL event to raise awareness about intimate
Baby School Program
We would like to welcome parents to our Baby School program! We invite families withchildren 0-3 Yea
Pregnancy Group
Join the group for free information on birth, delivery, breastfeeding, parenting and child development.
Safe Dates Informational Meeting
Information session for teens on love and relationships
Housing Connect 2.0 Registration
Join us for our biggest virtual housing connect event!
Build the Block: Join the 50th Precinct
Join officers in the 50th Precinct to share your views on public safety in our community.
Sip & Paint
KHCC Teen Center Sip & Paint Event
Free Vision Screening and Eyeglasses
Free Vision Screening and Eyeglasses
KHCC Blood Drive
Donate blood at the KHCC Gym
Battle of the TikTok Part II
Battle of the TikTok Part II
KHCC Connect & The Alliance Wellness Event
KHCC Connect & The Alliance Bring You A Wellness Event
KHCC Heroes: A Celebration of Young Bronx Heroes
Join us on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 for a special event highlighting how KHCC supports budding Bronx heroes!
KHCC's 8th Annual Neighborhood Festival
KHCC's 8th Annual Neighborhood Festival (the Remix) will be help on Thursday June 17th 2021 from 3pm-6pm
ESOL Spring 2021 Registration
Register for Spring 2021 ESOL Classes
Beyond Trauma: Women's Support Group
Support Group For Women Who Have Experience Domestic Violence And Other Trauma
KHCC Garden Volunteer Day
Volunteer in the KHCC Garden on the first Saturday of each month
Together, We Are New York!
In celebration of the citywide Together, We Are New York campaign, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) is proud to join the community art project. Beauty from within. Join us to create and celebrate all of us.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2021
October, we stand together to educate, support and end violence.
Harvest Festival 2021
SAVE THE DATE: Join KHCC for outdoor activities for children, youth & families celebrating the Fall!
Immigration Support Group
A weekly support group for immigrants in the community that meets every Tuesday at 5pm
Become a KHCChampion
Support KHCC and Empower Bronx residents from cradle to career to advance education and well-being for a vibrant community.
Beyond Trauma Mas Alla del Trauma
Grupos de apoyo para aquellos que sobrevivieron a la violencia domestica y pareja intima o abuso sexual.
Denim Drive
April is Sexual Awareness Month and as a part of promoting awareness around the issue of sexual assault. KHCC and Hostos College are organizing a Denim Drive to support the efforts of Denim Day NYC. Show your support by donating all unwanted denims.
Drip Drive 2022!
KHCC’s Drip Drive is the perfect opportunity to rid of the unwanted all the professional clothes. You can drop off any new and gently used suits and dresses at KHCC from 8 am to 8 pm till April 28th!
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and KHCC is hosting a series of events throughout the month starting from trauma informed self defense, yoga for healing to a community gala. The events are free and open to all community members. Register now!
Building the Future Together: A Fundraiser for KHCC
You are Invited to a Fundraiser on May 10
Housing Connect
Are you looking for affordable housing? Do you need more space? One of the most needed basic needs is affordable housing in New York City. Come join us to learn everything you need to know about housing connect! The event is taking place on June 13th via Zoom from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
Neighborhood Festival 2022
Join us on June 17th, 2022, for KHCC's Annual Neighborhood Festival. Community members, KHCC families, and local friends are invited for a day of fun! Join us as we celebrate with live performances, DJs, food, gardening, and more!
Fire Department's Safety Class
We are excited to announce that FDNY & Theory 9 will be hosting a safety class at the center. Ou
KHCC Summer Camp
The summer camp is an endless opportunity for hands-on learning, exploration, and personal growth. It is a place for joyful learning and community building. The registrations for Summer Camp are now open. Spend summer with the kids at KHCC!
Community Cocktails: Cancelled
This event has been cancelled. Please email with questions.
Hope, Love, & Support: DVAM Event
KHCC wants you all to join us to support Domestic Violence Awareness Month this year! We want to aid
Participatory Budgeting Initiative - Spanish Speaking Event!
KHCConnect is hosting our Participatory Budgeting Initiative on November 8th, 2022! We’re hosting this event, which is a democratic process in which the community can decide how to spend a portion of the public budget. While attending, we’ll be raffling off prizes and serving light refreshments. Register to attend today. This event is a Spanish-Speaking event ONLY!
KHCC Giving Extravaganza
KHCC Teen Center Presents a KHCC Giving Extravaganza! An evening filled with free food, games, activities & family fun. Donations of drinks and dresserts are greatly apprecited
KHCC Winter Drive - Giving Tuesday Dropoff
KHCC is hosting our Annual Winter Drive Giving Tuesday Dropoff on November 29th, 2022!Kingsbridge He
Theory9's Shoe Drive Fundraiser
KHCC & Theory9 presents the Shoe Drive Fundraiser! We're collecting shoes, either gently worn, u
Community Input into Action Forum
Please join Partnerships for Parks to share your ideas for Washington's Walk including Strong Se. Playground, Old Fort Four, Fort 4 Playground/Sedwick Park. Discuss what the community needs. Imagine what you and others can do to help.
Lawyer In the Neighborhood 2022!
KHCC & Bronx County Bar Association Presents Lawyer in the Neighborhood. In need of legal advice? KHCC and the Bronx County Bar association present the Lawyer in the Neighborhood! On every first Wednesday of the month starting, we will have a lawyer in-house for legal consultations!
KHCC Winter Drive 2022
Let's give back to neighbors in need this season!
ECS Winter Concert 2022
Join KHCC for an afternoon filled with Music and Memories!
Green or Grinch Holiday Event!
Wear something Green or Grinch themed to our holiday party!
Financial Workshop
KHCConnect and ARIVA have partnered up to bring one-on-one financial consultations in-person right h
Kingsbridge Armory Public Workshops
KHCC, along with many amongst our community, stands behind #Together For Kingsbridge! The redevelopment of the Kingsbridge Armory holds so much potential to the benefit of the community.
Youth Center Leadership - Internships
KHCC'S Teen Center is recruiting Youth Leadership Council Members! It's a paid internship opportunit
Career Night at KHCC
Join us for a Career Night at KHCC and learn from a diverse range of professionals about their experiences and career paths. Get inspired, gain valuable insights, and start envisioning your own future success. Don't miss this chance to explore your options and take the first step toward a fulfilling career!
Career Day at ISLA
Discover Your Future Career Path! Join us for Career Day at ISLA and learn from a diverse range of professionals about their experiences and career paths. Get inspired, gain valuable insights, and start envisioning your own future success. Don't miss this chance to explore your options and take the first step towards a fulfilling career!
KHCConnect - Budget & Savings with Chase
On April 12th, we're excited to host the Chase Budget and Savings Workshop. This event is designed to help you take control of your finances and plan for the future. Whether you're looking to save up for something special or simply want to get a better handle on your spending, this workshop is for you.
College Overnight Trip
Our CDP trips are both informative and fun, providing a great way to spend your break while also preparing for your future. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Earth Day Gardening Event
KHCC parents can join us in the garden on April 22nd for a Gardening Day event from 8:30 am to 9:30 am on Site 1 and 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm at Site 2.
Sex Jeopardy
Join us for Sex Jeopardy, this is an educational yet fun event!!
The Future is Ours
A Fundraiser for Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Credit Webinar with Case
KHCConnect, Chase, and Office of CM Pierina Sanchez have partnered up to host a Credit Workshop!
Alumni Nights
Celebrate our upcoming graduates!
ECS End of Year Celebrations!
Get ready to celebrate an incredible milestone at the Early Childhood Services End of Year Celebration! Join us on Friday, June 23rd, from 9 am to 12 pm at KHCC's Site 1 and on June 26th from 9 am to 12 pm at Site 2, as we come together to celebrate the growth, achievements, and milestones of our incredible children.
Celebrating Little Ones!
Inviting all first-time moms to celebrate with KHCC’s Pregnancy Group! Join us on July 28th at 10 am as we spend the hour Celebrating Our Little Ones, honoring the arrival of new children, and the incredible journey of first-time moms.
Pick Up Your COVID Test
KHCC is now offering at home test kits for COVID-19
Community Celebration: Together for Kingsbridge / Juntos Para Kingsbridge
Join a lively community celebration at the Kingsbridge Armory! You helped us create the Together for Kingsbridge Community Vision Plan, now it's our chance to celebrate together. This event is all about bringing people together and celebrating our vibrant community and collective vision for the future of the Kingsbridge Armory. We invite you to come and enjoy an afternoon filled with music, food, and fun activities for all ages.
KHCC's Annual Harvest Fest 2023
It's that time of year again for our annual Harvest Festival! On October 26, 2022, from 3pm - 6 pm, we're inviting everyone in the neighborhood and beyond to join us for a fun & spooky evening with activities and games like scavenger hunts, mask decorating, and more Halloween themed activities, right here at KHCC. Plan for your attendance, it's a night your family wouldn't want to miss!
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and we at KHCC are dedicated to making a positive impact. The Changing Futures Program (CFP) at KHCC is inviting you to our upcoming DVAM Community Walk on October 27th at 3 p.m.
Your Voice, Your City!
The NYC Civil Engagement Commission is back with the second cycle of 'The People's Money 23/24' part
KHCC's Holiday Meal Giveaway 2023
Get ready to savor the spirit of giving! KHCC is excited to announce a Holiday Meal Giveaway on Tuesday
Annual Holiday Toy Drive!
Our goal is to ensure that every child experiences the magic of the holiday season. You can join us in making this possible by either exploring our Amazon Wishlist or dropping off new toys at our Site 1 - 3101 Kingsbridge Terrace, Bronx - NY. We are accepting toys for children aged 6 weeks to 21 years, providing a broad range of options for your generous contributions. Let's come together to share something special.
ESOL Orientation Spring 2023
KHCC will be offering free English classes Dates and Times: Wednesday, January 17th 4-8pmT
Advocacy Day 2024
New York State Network for Youth Success is inviting participants, caregivers, program providers, and other supporters of afterschool, summer, and expanded learning programs toadvocate for New York’s children and families.
Literacy Day 2024
A safe space for children and their carers to meet friends and read books. Each young reader gets a FREE Book!
Teen Center's Career Day 2024
Inspiring the next generation of womenTHE GYM AT KHCC3101 KINGSBRIDGE TERRACE, BRONX, NY
National Denim Day
Join us and countless others across the nation as we stand in solidarity by wearing jeans on Nationa
Drip Drive 2024
Your support will help our youth dress for success. Looking for clothes for prom, interviews and jobs.
My Body My Choice Community Event
Join us at KHCC for engaging activities, insightful talks, and delicious food. Explore resources fro
50th Fundraising Gala
Join us for an unforgettable evening as we celebrate five decades of dedicated service to the Bronx community. Together, let’s honor the past and embrace the future. Your presence and support will help pave the way for the next 50 years of making a positive impact to the Bronx.
Summer Day Camp 2024
Monday - Friday 8am - 6pmSession 1: July 1 - July 26Session 2: July 29 - Aug 16Session 2: $1,55
Volunteer at KHCC's #SecondSaturday
Join us on the second Saturday of each month for a volunteer day at the KHCC Garden! Help us care for our community garden by sanding and refinishing picnic tables, weeding, pruning, and planting.
Annual Harvest Festival 2024
It's that time of year again for our Annual Harvest Festival! On October 24, 2024, from 3pm - 6 pm, we're inviting everyone in the neighborhood and beyond to join us for a fun & spooky evening with activities and games like scavenger hunts, mask decorating, and more Halloween themed fun, right here at KHCC. Plan your attendance for a night your family won't want to miss!
Annual Toy Drive 2024
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) is gearing up for the holidays and launching our Annual
Annual Coat Drive 2024
With the holiday season around the corner and the weather getting colder, we are excited to announce
KHCC's Bronx Blossom Cocktail Soiree!
Buy Your Tickets Today!Join us for an unforgettable evening as the Kingsbridge Heights Community Cen
Celebrating 50 Years of Community and Impact in 2024!
JanuaryKHCC kicked off the year with recognition from Apple Bank at a St. John’s basketball game a
Become a KHCC Sponsor
Join us as a KHCChampion and support our cradle to career programming!
KHCC's 50th Anniversary Video
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center 50th Anniversary!
KHCC's Vibrant Neighborhood Festival: A Day to Remember
KHCC's Vibrant Neighborhood Festival: A Day to RememberKHCC's Neighborhood Festival was a spectacula
Celebrating KHCC's 50th Year: A Night of Legacy and Community
(Bronx, N.Y.)—On May 17, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) celebrated 50 years of dedica
Women Inspiring and Motivating Youth
Women's history is replete with stories of resilience, innovation, and leadership. From the courageo
KHCC's Spirit Week Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion in Black History Month
The Teen Center at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted an invigorating Black History
KPMG Career Day 2024
On Thursday, February 22nd, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center’s College Directions program orga
Turning Little Readers into Big Dreamers at Literacy Day
The Early Childhood Services at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center recently celebrated their annua
Making Our Voices Heard!
Teens head to state capital to advocate for more after-school fundsBy: Heather Fordham and Adolfo Ca
NYS Senator R Jackson Honors KHCC
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center recently had the immense honor of being named a recipient of th
KHCC Received Love Local Honoree Award
Apple Bank and St. John's University proudly recognized KHCC with the Love Local Award. This memorable event occurred at the iconic Madison Square Garden during a basketball game, bringing together sports and community spirit.
Grateful Moments: KHCC's 2023 Journey of Community, Growth, and Impact
Grateful Moments: KHCC's 2023 Journey of Community, Growth, and Impact
KHCC's Kingsbridge Honey is BACK!
KHCC has the best honey!
Recap of the 11th Annual KHCC Harvest Festival
The 11th Annual Harvest Festival at Kingsbridge Heights Community Heights, held on October 26, was a
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Responds to Unforeseen Suspension of Federal Grant for Early Head Start Program
Bronx, New York: On Thursday, September 28, 2023, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center was notified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), and Office of Head Start (OHS) that the federal grant that supports Early Head Start daycare providers and provides daycare subsidies for 121 needy families was suspended without notice effective immediately starting Thursday, September 28th, 2023, 5:00 PM ET.
Summer Fun and Camp Fun: Unleashing Adventure at KHCC
KHCC's summer camp has been an absolute hit this year!
Pride, Juneteenth, and the beginning of Summer 2023!
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) proudly hosted its highly anticipated 10th Annual Neighborhood Festival, a day filled with an array of FREE activities, games, and endless fun.
ESOL Student of the Month - May 2023
Congratulations to Tugba Aydogdu and Dayanara Diaz on being KHCC’s May ESOL Student of the Month!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
KHCC believes that Mental Health is important when providing a service to a participant. For too long there has been a stigma surrounding Mental Health, which causes silence and isolation— we do not want that!
The Future is Ours - A Fundraiser for KHCC
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Honors Council Member Pierina Sanchez and Apple Bank Chief Retail Bank Officer James Matera at Annual Gala on May 3, 2023. The annual gala celebrated 49 years of transforming the lives of families in the Northwest Bronx.
KHCC Advocacy efforts for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) announced that the theme of Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2023 is “Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity.”
KHCC Celebrates Women's History Month
The social services field is heavily dominated by women and women of color who consistently learn, p
Raye Barbieri Named as Chief Executive Officer of Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
(Bronx, New York) - The Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC), a fifty year old settlement house serving over six thousand Bronx residents, announced today that Raye Barbieri has been named Chief Executive Officer. Ms. Barbieri has more than twenty five years of experience working with nonprofits and New York City government. She succeeds Margaret Della, who is stepping down as the organization’s head in March, after successfully leading Kingsbridge Heights Community Center since 2016. Barbieri will assume this leadership position on March 13, 2023.
Thank you for donating to KHCC's Winter Drive!
Each year for the past 25 years, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center has held our Winter Drive to collect donations for our program participants. Our focus has varied over the years based on what our community needs. This year, we focused our efforts on collecting toys for all our program participants as well as providing $25 Target gift cards to as many families as possible. The gift cards could be used for holiday gifts, food, diapers, household products and other necessities.
Registration is open for Early Childhood Services!
ECS has various opportunities for children to learn, be engaged, and have fun in their programs. Join now!
On Wednesday, December 21st, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted The Bronx Reads: Literacy Day - An event aimed at fostering a love of reading & scholastic excellence among children. The event provided a special space for children, tweens, teens as well as caregivers to come together and explore their love of reading during the holiday season.
Month of Giving Back!
How can you help KHCC and give back to the community? Kingsbridge Heights Community Center assists individuals from cradle to career and hopes to continue to do so for many years to come. The strength of this organization comes from the community so in this month of giving we want to work together with community members, partners, and participants to give back to the Bronx! KHCC gives back to the community yearly by hosting events and initiatives that promote the improvement of its participants and the larger Bronx Community.
PIX 11 highlights Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
KINGSBRIDGE HEIGHTS, the Bronx (PIX11) – With the holiday season upon us, a Bronx nonprofit is working hard to ease the burden so many families face when dealing with economic hardships and food insecurity. The 10,000-square-foot building along Kingsbridge Terrace in the Bronx used to be a police precinct. But for the last 50 years, it’s been home to Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC), a safe haven where the Bronx community can socialize, learn and grow.
KHCC's Winter Drive 2022
It is the season of giving and Kingsbridge Heights Community Center is helping the community by collecting coats, gift cars, diapers/wipes, toys, gifts, and canned and non-perishable items for the community.
On November 3, 2022, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted, the Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Event: Hope, Love, & Support - an evening of activities, games, and enjoyment to build community with those affected by DV. The event ran from 6 pm to 8 pm, allowing community members, KHCC’s participants, and their families to join in supporting one another and fortifying relationships.
KHCC's Annual Harvest Fest - 2022!
On October 27, 2022, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) hosted, the 10th Annual Harvest Fest - an evening of Fall and Halloween-themed activities, games, and enjoyment. The event ran from 3 pm to 6 pm, providing an opportunity for all KHCC participants and their families to come together to have a good time.
Keep KHCC in the Community!
KHCC has provided cradle-to-career services for nearly 50 years. Now KHCC needs our help. Major repairs ($4million!) are needed to the building, which is owned by the NYC Parks Department. If this work is not completed soon, KHCC and its much-needed services will be forced to leave Kingsbridge.
Dreaming with DMC: Youth (Re)Visions for the Future
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 14, 2022Contact: Margaret K
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Awarded $500,000 by NY Community Trust for a New Initiative
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) and Lehman College, along with seven other settlement houses, welcome the “Future of Social Work: The Settlement House Network and Multilingual Communities” initiative. The New York Community Trust awarded the program $500,000 over two years to engage a team of multilingual MSW level interns in expanding the range of new or unique mental health supports offered to participants in their home language within our collection of United Neighborhood House (UNH) member agencies.
KHCC's Kingsbridge Honey is BACK!
KHCC Honey is SOLD OUT. Please check back in August 2023 to purchase a fresh batch of Kingsbridge Honey.
Summer Bridge 2022
Summer Bridge is a summer internship for high school students and rising college freshmen where they gain the necessary tools to succeed in their professional endeavors.
KHCC's Summer Day Camp
What does Summer Camp look like at KHCC?
KHCC Internships & Volunteering
Have you ever wondered what it's like to intern or volunteer here at KHCC? There are many ways to get involved and become a part of what we do here at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center.
KHCC Success Stories
Learn more about Emmanuel Wilson and Fatoumata Sanyang "Obba."
On June 17, 2022, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting an event; the 9th Annual Neighborhood Fest - an evening of activities, games, and fun. The event, scheduled for 3 pm to 6 pm provides an opportunity for everyone in the neighborhood to come together and have a good time.
Summer Bridge with the KHCC Teen Center
KHCC is currently rolling out our application for the KHCC Teen Center's 2022 Summer Bridge Internship program. This 6 week leadership and job readiness experience is aimed at current high school students.
Bronx Hot Sauce is BACK at KHCC! #heatthathelps
Back in Stock! Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) is a proud partner of Small Axe Pepp
On October 2, 2021, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting an event; Together We Are New York - Art Lives, a community-based celebration of artistic works
Book A Tour of KHCC's Bee Hives!
Join Flynn the beekeeper for a special tour of KHCC's bee hives.
BECOME A KHCC HERO: Sponsor Our 2021 Spring Event
Become a 2021 event sponsor to support our work with youth in The Bronx.
Estar vacunado no solo lo protege a usted y a su familia, sino que también ayuda a proteger a toda la comunidad de KHCC.
We urge you to act now and set up an appointment as soon as possible. Being vaccinated not only protects you and your family, but it helps protect the entire KHCC community.
Statement on Atlanta Attack and AAPI Community
KHCC supports the entire Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community and is committed to combating violence against any member of our community.
#ItsHERStory: Norma Collado
From teacher to Health and Safety Director. Read Norma's KHCC story for Women's History Month.
#ItsHERStory: Cristina Torres
Read a bit about Cristina's story for Women's History month.
#ItsHERStory: Sadie Mahoney
For Women's History Month 2021, we're highlighting the stories of women at KHCC. Here's Sadie Mahoney's story.
Buy Bronx Hot Sauce at KHCC | #Heatthathelps
Purchase Bronx Hot Sauce at KHCC and support KHCC's community garden.
KHCC Statement on U.S. Capitol Breach
Following the events of January 6, KHCC released a statement condemning attack on U.S. Capitol.
2021 New Year Message from Our Executive Director
2020 revealed how long and how tough circumstances have been for our community in that security and planning for the future disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Keeping KHCC's Community Safe During the Holiday Season
KHCC's guidelines for staying safe during the holidays.
Join Our 2020 Peer-to-Peer Campaign
Supporter KHCC by hosting a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign!
Fundraise for KHCC on Facebook
Launch a birthday campaign or mark a life moment with a fundraiser to support our work in the Bronx.
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center and The Aesthetic Host a Back to School Giveaway
For Immediate Release September 20,2020CONTACT: Diamond Brown Kingsbri
Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Hosts Virtual Garden Tour On September 15, 2020
On September 15, 2020, Kingsbridge Heights Community Center (KHCC) will be hosting its first online fundraiser: a Virtual Garden Tour.
Riverdale Press Highlights KHCC's Efforts to Feed Community During Covid-19 Pandemic
Not having enough good, healthy food to eat isn’t a foreign concept to William Littleton. In his j
Buy Honey From KHCC's Bronx Bees!
Purchase a jar of our Bronx honey to support KHCC's programs during the Covid-19 pandemic.
KHCC's Safe Reopening Plan
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, KHCC has developed a plan to ensure the safety of agency staff, participants, and families.
New York Times Features KHCC Food Pantry
Our food pantry was featured in a story highlighting work to meet growing hunger during the pandemic.
Mission BX: Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Last week, Mission BX host Eileen Newman interviewed our Executive Director, Margaret Della, and Cha
Apply to Be A 2020-2021 Civic Corps Member at KHCC
KHCC is honored to be a 2020-2021 host site for the upcoming NYC Civic Corps cohort!This past year,
A Statement on Racial Injustice and KHCC Community from Our Executive Director
Why police brutality and racial injustice matter to KHCC and the community we serve.
How To Help KHCC's Community During Covid-19
In the face of Covid-19,we're giving hot meals and non-perishable foods to community members 7 days
KHCC Tweens Debut Winter Films
Through a Spring project collaboration with social justice non-profit, Justice by the Pen, KHCC Twee
KHCC Remembers Bernice Stern, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
KHCC Remembers Bernice Stern, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist My memory of Bernice Stern is whe
Encouragement for Survivors During Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Changing Futures staff shares encouragement during sexual assault awareness month.
KHCC Creativity During COVID-19
See the remote work and creativity coming from KHCC programs in quarantine
Terapia con Changing Futures durante COVID-19
El equipo Changing Futures está disponible para sesiones de terapia en línea para personas actualm
كينجز بريدج مرتفعات المجتمع مركز خدمات الطوارئ للعائلات
اعتبارا من 20 مارس، تقدم مرتفعات كينجز بريدج الغذاء في ح
تغيير العلاج في المستقبل خلال فيروس كورونا
بالنسبة للأفراد الذين يعانون من الأفكار السلبية أو الا
Changing Futures Therapy During COVID-19
Due to the pandemic, the Changing Futures team is available for online and phone therapy sessions for individuals seeking assistance.
KHCConnect Services during COVID-19
KHCConnect wants to ensure that our families are connected to the services and resources they need during this unsettling and uncertain time.
Community Resources and Learning Materials
Public Resources for Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Servicios de emergencia de KHCC para familias
A partir del 20 de marzo, KHCC está proporcionando alimentos de emergencia a las familias necesitad
KHCC Emergency Services for Families
During COVID-19 pandemic KHCC will not be open to the general public until March 31st. We will update this space with additional information when it becomes available.
NYC Census 2020
Complete the 2020 Census!
A Special 2020 Message from Our Executive Director
Our Exectutive Director, Margaret Della, reflects on 2019 and shares thoughts on the new year.
She Builds 2019 at Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Featured on NY1 and News 12 the Bronx
The event included more than 100 volunteers from real estate companies across NYC.
Press Release: Kingsbridge Heights Community Center Hosts She Builds 2019
The event, in partnership with Rebuilding Together, involved more than 100 volunteers from across NYC.
KHCC Tweens Debut Spring 2019 Film
As part of a collaboration with Justice Behind the Pen, students produced and debuted a film.
Celebrating KHCC at 45 [VIDEO]
In the video, we reflect on the impact of KHCC over 45 years of service in the Bronx.
Our Executive Director, Margaret Della, discusses Empowerment 45 Luncheon on BronxNet's OPEN
Margaret Della talks about KHCC's 45th Anniversary on BronxNet's OPEN